A happy bride, a happy groom and lots of excited guests is the perfect recipe for a fun wedding. Words cannot describe the fun and joy in the air at Chinyere and Ibeh’s wedding. Promoted By Nashakaratv.com [kkstarratings]

This was a wedding where several of the guests danced i.e. old and younger folks had fun through the night. The guests were not camera shy which made filming very easy. The bride is part of a Nigerian dance group and you will see her showing her dance skills. The groom was so playful with his wife and she smiled all through the wedding. I want you to watch the video and experience a bit of the beautiful wedding. I wish the Chinyere and Ibeh a happy married life. The official photographer was Femi Osinowo {Paosin.com} and the Assistant Photographer was Folabi Oridedi

[embedplusvideo height=”410″ width=”680″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/LfyGp9uN3Ug?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=LfyGp9uN3Ug&width=680&height=410&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep5820″ /]

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