If you have young daughters, nieces, granddaughters, sisters or female cousins, this channel offers support on how to maintain a beautiful head of natural hair. Please subscribe or pass our channel on to someone you know could use the support. Let’s teach our girls how to care for their hair so, when they’re older, they’ll know there are other options besides chemical processing :).[kkstarratings]

The Nigerian version reminded me a little of the Ghanaian parents I knew growing up, so of course I had to do a Ghanaian version! 🙂

I based this on the many amazing Ghanaian women I grew up around and of course on my beautiful mother, who is no longer with us. My fondest memories are of when she would have me do impressions of her to entertain her Ghanaian friends. She LOVED when I’d do an impression of her dancing (like at the end of this vid). She would literally be in tears, she thought it was hilarious!

There’s nothing like a mum, wherever she’s from, so plese cherish her while you can.

Love to you all and thank you so much for watching and for your wonderful comments. I may not be able to respond to them all, but I’ve read each and every one. God bless xx

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