Victoria Kimani is on her new ish this year, this girl is just stepping up the game for all the other female frobeats artists. This one is titled ‘Hate me’ and this one goes out to all those people who like to talk with no action.

Director A. Macharia Presents “Hate Me” A Viral visual filmed at The Hakuna Matata Festival in Kenya. Starring Chocolate City Artist Victoria Kimani. This Visual highlights the rich and Exiting Music Festival Culture in Kenya, which is by far the most diverse on the continent

“Hate Me”, a hard hit hitting Hip Hop / R & B record, is the second visual lifted from The “Queen Victoria” Mixtape and features leading Nigerian femcee, Pryse. It was produced by The White N3rd and released late 2013. This showcases a more relaxed and versatile/ playful side of the multi award nominated Singer / Songwriter, catering to the Hip Hop/ R & B Lovers as she performs and celebrates with her Friends & Fans in Kenya.

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